Salesforce is the CRM of choice by countless companies around the world. Delivering unmatched quality and quantity of information, Salesforce enables businesses to maximise its resources and operations. But not only that, Salesforce also offers other business solutions. With everything it has to offer, Salesforce has become the go-to platform for many companies. And if you’re looking to integrate Salesforce into your business, Human Pixel is the Salesforce Specialist of choice.



Our certified Salesforce specialists are ready to talk to you on how to maximise the platform. With the proper tools and expert advise, you can boost your ROI. Depending on the products selected, you can use the platform to manage and facilitate sales, support services and other customer interactions. Some of the solutions you can use are Salesforce Sales Cloud, Salesforce Marketing Cloud, Salesforce Community Cloud, and Salesforce Einstein.


As a Salesforce Specialist with offices in Sydney & Melbourne, we can assist with planning, consultation, implementation and integration, anywhere you are in the world. Making Salesforce the single source of truth in your Organisation. Our CRM consulting and development team can help make the platform truly work for your business.

To start the process, we go to the core of your company. We ask necessary questions to learn about your business. Together, we will determine which Salesforce products will work for you best. As a result, you get a cost-effective and efficient integration to your existing systems. From the information gathered, we will give our recommendation. Once that is approved, we will present the implementation strategy to you. And after you give the go signal, we will begin the process. 

As a Salesforce Specialist, we know that integrating Salesforce goes beyond just transferring data from one system to another. While data is important, it will only be useful if it’s properly transferred. This could involve building or automating processes, building dashboards or fields. But don’t worry. We will handle all of these, from set-up to testing. We will make sure that everything works seamlessly between Salesforce and your different systems. Once the Salesforce environment has been properly set up, we will then begin the data migration for integration.

When the integration is complete and the proper testing is done, we will train your team to ensure that you can easily use and maximise the platform. Our Salesforce support desk will also be ready to assist you anytime.

Got more questions on how your business can benefit with Salesforce? Just hit the button below to talk to a Salesforce Specialist.

Salesforce Specialist Sydney & Melbourne
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salesforce consultant sydney and melbourne
salesforce consultant sydney and melbourne