Coming towards the end of the year, it’s a great time to take stock of the tools you use in your business every day. Why? Because let’s be honest, 2020 has been seriously challenging. We’ve had to adapt to the Covid-19 pandemic. For some businesses it’s meant a complete overhaul of the way they operate.
Many companies have introduced new tools in a rush. For some it’s laid bare just how tiresome and difficult some of their processes actually are. So, with one eye firmly fixed on welcoming 2021, now is the perfect time to audit your business software.
What is auditing your business software?
A business software audit isn’t unlike any other kind of audit. Financial audits ensure everything is recorded correctly and the business remains profitable. Business software audits involve taking stock of all the software you currently use and pay for. The reasons are the same. To make sure everything works properly, but more specifically to check that everything is fit for purpose.
Many companies use a whole host of different software programs, some of them not connected in any way, despite the obvious crossovers in their function. You need to manually transfer data from one program to another, wasting valuable time and resources. During a software audit, you’ll discover which programs are really working for you, and which ones are working against you.
Why is auditing your business software important?
Auditing your software is important for a number of reasons. But let’s consider the major one. Your bottom line. Profitability is based on your operations running smoothly, with as few costs as possible.
Imagine a scenario where you’re paying a monthly or yearly subscription or license to four different software companies. One for your word processing, email and spreadsheets. Another for your accounting. Another for your website, and then another to keep track of workflows for your sales team. Does that sound efficient?
It’s not even remotely efficient, because it’s also likely that sales staff need to enter their sales data into one machine, then there’s sales coming through your website, and somehow all of that needs to end up in an accounting program. But, there is a way to improve your business processes.
It’s all about efficiency
Rather than paying four subscriptions for programs that still need a whole lot of manual data transfer and human intervention, why not look for smarter solutions? For example, API integration builds bridges between your software. If you could automate some of that data transfer, just imagine how more effectively staff could manage their time.
How about a warehouse that receives orders without due dates? This means more staff are required because you’re rushing to fill orders that in reality, may not even be required for a couple of weeks. A custom software solution that prioritises workloads is a much better idea, especially if that software can be used by sales and admin staff too.
So, as one year ends, take a look at all of your business software and the processes you need them for. Are the efficient? If not, it’s time to consider if custom software or other technological solutions can ramp up your productivity for the new year.
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