Elabs AG Germany Launches New Website

Elabs AG

When Elabs AG, one of Germany’s most respected companies contacted us about their Adobe Business Catalyst Migration, we were excited to help.

Working with such well respected company to help to re-imagine their online presence was an opportunity which we jumped at.

Due to the different types of businesses which Elabs AG service, they work across both German and English speaking business worlds, so our mandate was to include the ability for the client to manually update translations on the website, because while automated translations, don’t always cut the mustard.

We set to work designing a brand new WordPress website which had custom features to allow the customer to manually update translations, and interact with their customers via live chat and support.

See the finished website at http://elabs.eu.com/

Old Elabs AG Website

New Elabs AG Website

About Author

Elabs AG Germany Launches New Website

Adam WInchester

Experienced Technology Leader with Nearly Three Decades of Impactful Achievements | Driving Business Transformation with Data-Driven Solutions | CRM and ERP Expert With an extensive career spanning nearly three decades, Adam brings a wealth of experience and expertise across various industries and software applications.
