Tips to Improve Your Digital Marketing Efforts

Tips to Improve Your Digital Marketing Efforts

With the advent of the Internet, it has become easier for a business to market to its audience. Still, it does not come without challenges as the digital marketing landscape ever changes. Due to this, you’ve got to have your finger on the pulse of the industry. This takes time & effort which you may not be able to provide with your plate full of business concerns. Thus, we have compiled some tips below to help you. Moreover, you can always contact us if you need a digital marketing agency, Sydney, Melbourne or Brisbane based, to take care of everything for you.

Search Engine Optimisation (SEO)

Tips to Improve Your Digital Marketing Efforts

SEO deals with optimising your website so it can rank higher on search engines. Ask any digital marketing agency, Sydney based or otherwise what their first tip is & you will get: Use the right keywords. This is true. Still, there’s more to SEO than just keywords.

Internal linking also plays a role in securing a good search engine ranking. Link to other pages within your site to show Google that you have useful & cohesive content. This also adds to your website’s credibility & domain authority.

Content Marketing

Tips to Improve Your Digital Marketing Efforts

Content Marketing focuses on creating, publishing & sharing useful & relevant online material. It aims to reach a target audience to raise interest in your product or service. On that, our first tip as a digital marketing agency: Melbourne, Sydney & Brisbane companies, among others, need to understand their audience & where they’re at.

Make sure to create helpful content not just to get new clients but also to retain existing ones. Moreover, it should even convince hesitant prospects to avail of your offerings. Another tip is to produce consistent content consistently. This keeps your company relevant and also adds to your website’s credibility & domain authority.

Email Marketing

Tips to Improve Your Digital Marketing Efforts

From the term itself, email marketing uses email to reach out to customers & prospects. Our first tip is to segment or group your contacts. Segmenting your contact list based on their interests, for example, helps you create more relevant content. Accordingly, find the right timing when sending emails. Figure out when your contacts will most likely be available & keen on reading emails.

Social Media Marketing (SMM)

Tips to Improve Your Digital Marketing Efforts

This uses social media platforms to communicate & engage with one’s market. Popular platforms include Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Pinterest, Youtube & LinkedIn. On that, our first tip as a social media agency: Sydney, Melbourne & Brisbane companies, among others, should assess which platforms will work best for them. This involves looking at where your market is. Majority of them may be on LinkedIn rather than Facebook or Instagram. To help you identify this, each platform has Insights or Analytics capabilities. However, evaluating all of them can become overwhelming. A social media agency, Brisbane, Sydney or Melbourne based, can assist you with this.

Digital Marketing as a Whole

Before beginning with any campaign & using any strategy, make sure to create a plan. Identify your goals & market. Do your research. These will help you come up with an effective campaign.

Then to keep track of things, you should establish key performance indicators (KPI) or metrics. These may include Returning Visitor Metric, Response Rate & Funnel Conversion Rate, among others. KPIs provide you with a concrete view of the status of all of your digital marketing efforts. This, in turn, will allow you to make well-informed decisions.

Final Words

There are still countless more tips to boost your digital marketing efforts. If you want to know what those are, check out our CEO Alex Kain’s talk about Human-Centred Marketing. Then if you need help with implementation, we suggest seeking the assistance of a digital marketing agency, Sydney, Brisbane or Melbourne based. And here at Human Pixel, we’re ready to help you with our various proven & highly-effective digital marketing services.

About Author

Tips to Improve Your Digital Marketing Efforts

Adam WInchester

Experienced Technology Leader with Nearly Three Decades of Impactful Achievements | Driving Business Transformation with Data-Driven Solutions | CRM and ERP Expert With an extensive career spanning nearly three decades, Adam brings a wealth of experience and expertise across various industries and software applications.
