Why a CRM Software is a Game Changer for Your Business

Why a CRM Software is a Game Changer for Your Business

If you’ve been thinking about ways to improve your customer relations or increase sales, ideas like discounts & other promotions can come to mind. While these can help, the impact to the business is usually only temporary. On that, there is a much better way to achieve your goals & create a long-term positive impact on your Organisation—by using a CRM software. CRM providers, Sydney or Melbourne based like us affirm this.

CRM 101

First, let’s define what a CRM is. As any CRM agency, Melbourne based or otherwise, would define, it stands for customer relationship management. Now, a CRM software allows you to track all customer data & interaction in one platform. Depending on the software used, these include conversations, purchases, emails opened & quotes accepted.

The Benefits of Implementing a CRM Software

We said a CRM software is a game changer for your business because it really is. Ask any CRM agency, Brisbane based or not, and they will tell you that it provides a lot of benefits for your Organisation, from streamlined processes to increase in sales.

Improved Customer Interaction

Delivering on its primary task, the software provides a lot more information on a customer than just their name & contact details. By giving you other data like page visits & emails opened, you can provide them with more relevant information which contributes to creating a better customer relationship.

Better Lead Conversion

For leads to turn into customers, they have to make a purchase. Thus, only qualified leads should move down your sales pipeline. To help with this, your team can qualify leads based on a scoring system within the software. They can use parameters such as ‘opened email’, ‘visited pricing page’ & ‘used trial version’. With this, they know which leads to follow through.

Easier Cross-Selling & Upselling

By knowing a customer’s purchase history, your team can better tailor their sales & marketing efforts. For example, in cross-selling, your team can identify which of your other products or services customers will most likely be interested in. Likewise, they can also determine when it would be best to upsell.

Greater Efficiency Gains & Reduced Company Costs

By automating processes such as customer follow-ups & report generation, your team can allot more time on other tasks. Moreover, you can streamline your other business processes by automating them through integration. As a result, not only do you achieve greater efficiency gains but also reduced operating costs since less labour is required with different tasks automated.

Better Decision-Making

Given that the software has analytics capability along with report generation, you can create well-informed decisions about your business. Moreover, this also equips you to create a reliable forecast by giving you an insight into your sales history, among others.

Finding the Right CRM Software

Now that you know what the software can do for your business, the next thing to do is to identify which one to use. With different CRM systems available in the market, this can be overwhelming. To determine the right software for you, seek the assistance of CRM companies. Australia has a lot of IT firms offering CRM Consulting & Development. On that, make sure you get help from expert CRM providers, Sydney, Brisbane or Melbourne based, to guarantee you get the software that caters specifically to YOUR needs.

In relation to that, here at Human Pixel, we hold a Discovery Session with each client to talk about their business. We go over all business processes to see which platform will be most beneficial. On that, we offer different CRM software. These include Zoho CRM, Salesforce, SuiteCRM, Hubspot, Keap (formerly Infusionsoft) & Microsoft Dynamics. We also provide Custom CRM Development & Integration for more specific needs. If you’d like to know more or want to implement any of these, just reach out to us to start the conversation!

About Author

Why a CRM Software is a Game Changer for Your Business

Adam WInchester

Experienced Technology Leader with Nearly Three Decades of Impactful Achievements | Driving Business Transformation with Data-Driven Solutions | CRM and ERP Expert With an extensive career spanning nearly three decades, Adam brings a wealth of experience and expertise across various industries and software applications.
